Editable EYLF Learning Story Templates

Seller: Early Years Learning Resources
Set 1 contains 20 fully editable EYLF learning story templates. Each templates includes a space for a story or experience..
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Product description
Set 1 contains 20 fully editable EYLF learning story templates. Each templates includes a space for a story or experience, a space for a learning analysis of what has taken place and a space for future learning experiences or learning extensions. It also contains links to outcomes and theorists (all links are only included as a guide and can be changed if necessary)
Set 1 Stories:
Animal Safari
Block Play
Creating Patterns
Dramatic Play
Exploring Technology
Farm Animals
Fun in the Garden
Fun with Colours
Fun with Letters
Fun with Play-dough
Home-Corner Play
I Can Count!
Insect Friends
Learning about Magnets
Learning about Recycling
Learning about Shapes
Learning about the Seasons - Autumn
Learning about the Seasons - Spring
Learning about the Seasons - Summer
Learning about the Seasons - Winter
Set 1 Stories:
Animal Safari
Block Play
Creating Patterns
Dramatic Play
Exploring Technology
Farm Animals
Fun in the Garden
Fun with Colours
Fun with Letters
Fun with Play-dough
Home-Corner Play
I Can Count!
Insect Friends
Learning about Magnets
Learning about Recycling
Learning about Shapes
Learning about the Seasons - Autumn
Learning about the Seasons - Spring
Learning about the Seasons - Summer
Learning about the Seasons - Winter