Morning Welcome Set

Seller: The Educators Domain
Set this up at your entrance as an arrival activity for children. A great activity to help children say goodbye during arrivals while promoting children's sense of agency.
Purchase this now for only $9.95.
Product description
Set this up at your entrance as an arrival activity for children. A great activity to help children say goodbye during arrivals while promoting children's sense of agency. This simple act sets the tone for the day, eases nerves, and gives everyone a moment to transition from their home life to their early childhood setting.
This makes a great morning mat time activity.
Good morning Banner with links to NQF
Good morning Greetings Set
Learning Outcome 3: Children are aware of and develop strategies to support their own mental and physical health and personal safety
Element 6.2.1 Transitions
This makes a great morning mat time activity.
Good morning Banner with links to NQF
Good morning Greetings Set
Learning Outcome 3: Children are aware of and develop strategies to support their own mental and physical health and personal safety
Element 6.2.1 Transitions